Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica
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The wiki author makes an alternate hypothesis, saying \"If interpreted a different way, 'the sorcerer's girl', it implies that the girls are being used - which they are, by Kyubey,\" but since we do know the meaning of \"mahou shoujo\" due to its use in the many, many magical girls series that Madoka is parodying, we can conclude that it does not in this case have a unique meaning of girls being used. The series is not a mahou shoujo series proper (it is a parody of the genre and is targeted at male viewers, whereas real mahou shoujo are a subset within shoujo, meaning they are targeted at an audience of young girls and if there is a manga origin or adaption, it runs in a shoujo manga magazine), so for it to use the standard style and meaning of a mahou shoujo series best serves its intent at parody. 781b155fdc